Welcome to Hallam Secondary College and thank you for considering our college for your child.
Everything we do is focused on identifying and maximising individual potential through the use of the very best tried and tested teaching and learning practice within a supportive and caring environment.
The college ethos balances the need for structure and processes with the understanding that students need to make decisions about their future by taking on challenges and opportunities.
Through our Values (Achievement, Care & Equity) we will ensure every student learns and achieves, to equip them with the knowledge, skills and dispositions for lifelong learning and be ready to take their place as positive contributors to their local and global community.
Our mission is to provide a comprehensive and guaranteed high quality education program that ensures ‘Success for All’.
Our aim is to create a school which is:
- a true learning community
- a place students wish to attend, staff want to work and parents feel welcome
- fulfilling student potential and,
- preparing students for life beyond school.
As a medium size secondary school we have the advantage of being able to know every learner as an individual and provide an extensive range of study pathways in the junior years right though to VCE (Traditional Academic, Vocational Major), the highly regarded Centres of Excellence (Sport, Innovation and Creative & Performing Arts) in Years 10 to 12, and access to the largest VET provision (Including HEADstart) of any school in the Region.
Thank you once again for taking the time to consider our College for your child’s secondary education.

Executive Principal