School Nurse

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My name is Suellen and l’m the Secondary School Nurse at Hallam Secondary College.

I am available every Thursday and Friday in the wellbeing office. My role is to support the health and wellbeing of students with a focus on health promotion and primary prevention to improve student health, wellbeing and learning outcomes.


I help facilitate awareness days, health education including classroom and small group sessions, and limited primary health care including student assessment, referral and support. I work collaboratively with students, teachers, wellbeing staff, school leadership and school communities to build capacity and improve health outcomes.

I can help students with information, guidance and support through individual health consultations that may include:

  • managing stress
  • relationships
  • safer sex
  • smoking, vaping, alcohol and other drug use
  • body image
  • healthy eating
  • cybersafety/cyberbullying
  • sexuality/gender identity

As a general rule school nurses do not:

  • provide first aid (This is the role of the school’s First Aider)
  • undertake long term counselling around psychological, relationship or educational problems
  • administer medication